Be Unique
Angela Soudi

5 Steps To Make SEO Simple

September 27, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Search Engine OptimizationServices

Article Overview

10min read

Many businesses feel intimidated by search engine optimization. There is so much information out there that you feel overwhelmed by it and wonder how to incorporate it in all the right places. And often if you don’t have the help of a SEO agency you may find it challenging to get SEO done all on your own.

SEO is not complicated although it sounds anything but. What you need is a simple guide to getting it right.

Get down to the basics

The important elements of SEO should happen on your website. You need to have an effective SEO strategy and on-site optimization, especially on the homepage. First and foremost, do not overdo it. It may be tempting to stuff in keywords but this will not achieve your end goal. Google has a penalty for websites that overstuff keywords which don’t make any sense. Keep it simple, 5 keywords are sufficient.

Additional SEO elements

While title tag and meta descriptions are important SEO elements be sure to incorporate additional elements as well. As much as link building is used to link your website to external sites, you need to internally link your web pages within the website so that it gives search engines a better idea about your site, in general. A SEO company might suggest bolder text. Bolder text is effective as long as you don’t go overboard with it. It helps grab the attention of the reader and search engines to help distinguish keywords and other important content.

You need fresh content

Content is great for search engines and site visitors. The fresher and more authentic your content is the more your audience will stick around. And search engines like authentic content and will repeatedly index your website pages. It is a huge investment and something worthwhile if you can create engaging content for your readers.

Link building

The goal of link building is to link other websites to your one. It is similar to a popularity contest where the more links you receive the higher it will get ranked. The higher it is ranked on search engines the more it will be considered a site of authority. And this is what you want, to get external sites to link to yours.

There are organic links which are the best kind. You don’t have to ask for them. It is when high authority and well recognized websites link to your site.

Lastly, you need to monitor your results. Track your SEO progress regularly. Know what you are doing right and what needs to improve, and what should be eliminated. Tweak your strategy if you have to, and continue to make subtle adjustments and improvements along the way.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Search Engine OptimizationServices
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