Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Why website maintenance is important in 2021 – Full Guide

January 28, 2021

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Websites Design & Development

Article Overview

10min read

Getting a website: It is indeed a huge duty. While advanced content management systems make it easy to maintain your website, they also require regular website maintenance in order to keep them stable and perform well. The main reason that a site is hacked is that it has an out-of-date website. While it needs effort and investment, it is feasible to keep the site properly maintained. In order to engage and retain customers, having a website well maintained and attractive is critical for businesses large and small. In order to keep your website safe, promote continued traffic growth, and improve your SEO and Google rankings, this should be done on a regular basis.

What is website maintenance?

Website maintenance refers to the tasks necessary to keep the website running properly and up to date. It involves regularly reviewing the website for bugs, fixing any issues, and making adjustments. In reality, maintenance services for websites are an important ingredient for engaging and retaining your clients. When dealing with WordPress pages, we all know the challenge. You need to carry out daily check-ups to ensure that your website is in a safe and acceptable state. Not once a year, not twice a year. We’re talking about routine monitoring that will help you keep the company running smoothly and enjoy the user experience of customers.

Why is a website maintenance plan important?

website maintenance

A consistent part of the business should be website maintenance. It grows on its own and can cause some serious issues and losses to your future growth and business health if not properly implemented. Staying on top of the health of the website needs awareness and organization. For a large site with hundreds (or even thousands) of pages, this is especially the case. Website sizes are increasing each year with the launch of new technologies to make website building easier. While adding pages to most websites is easy, maintaining all of your pages in a good state is not as easy. So why do you need to have a well-maintained website?

  • Online research is carried out by the majority of clients.

It is likely that individuals who want to purchase a product from you will end up on your website. If your website gives them a negative impression of your company, they are likely to continue their research on a competitor’s site, and you might miss a sale.

  • Your website informs users’ first impressions

If the website doesn’t work correctly or appears obsolete, clients will still slip away. It will give a negative first impression on your organization. If your website looks unprofessional, customers may presume that your company is too. Proper site maintenance will contribute to a positive experience for customers. Since your website has left a good impression, clients would be inspired to purchase your product or service. What’s more, the sponsors will become these clients. They’ll spread the word about your website and refer their family and friends to your company. Free of charge for everyone.

  • Your website helps grow your sales

The website plays a key role in leading users into making a purchase. In the case of e-commerce sites, your web sales are allowed. If your site doesn’t work well, you’ll miss out on potential sales.

website maintenance

  • Site visitors value user experience

Via regular maintenance, these poor user experiences are avoided and encourage potential customers to stay on your site, improving your chances of making a sale. 

  • A website maintenance plan improves security

Fixing the damage caused by cyberattacks is also costly, plus you may lose customers who no longer trust your company with their personal details. Routine maintenance helps protect your site from cyber-attacks by keeping your security systems up to date. When you maintain your security protections, clients will feel more comfortable doing transactions on your website.

  • Website maintenance supports your SEO strategy

Getting clients, buyers, or an audience is a whole point of starting a business. You’ll need to keep it periodically updated to push traffic to your website. Google aims to rate websites that have the most important and current information on the results page of their search engine. If users frequently leave your website, particularly shortly after arriving on it, Google will interpret this as a sign that your site does not matter. This leads to a rise in the bounce rate which will lead to lower rankings for search results, which means that you will drive less traffic to your website. Persistent technical glitches, security issues, and obsolete website design, layout, or content all contribute to a reduction in your search engine’s ranking.

So, How do you maintain a website?

For any website on the internet, whether using a third-party website or hosting it on a server you own, there are things that need to happen on a regular basis. Using the website maintenance method of Forbes, developed over years of personal and professional website management, we outlined the steps you need to follow. 

website maintenance

  • Have a Process

The best way to derive profit from it is to implement these measures into the organization as a strategy. While ad-hoc updates and checks always have value, having a reported monthly process will drive accountability and stop anything from falling through the cracks. The month you miss updating could very well be the month your contact form for your plugin gets hacked.

  • Stay Up to Date

The biggest move you can take to protect your websites is keeping your site, plugins, frameworks, and server up to date. Regularly checking for changes to your plugins and your core site frameworks is essential. These updates also provide security fixes, and the window for infiltration will be closed by deploying them to your site in a timely manner.

  • Make Backups of Everything – And Make Sure They Work

The cheapest insurance policy you can purchase is backups. There will be two key components for most websites that need to be backed up: the files for the site and the database. Your framework, plugins, theme, design, customization, and several other main things are included in the site files. The database refers to the storage engine used to store information, such as site content and configuration, used by your website. More sophisticated backup solutions can be needed, depending on the complexity of your website. 

Testing your recovery process with an actual backup, from a worst-case scenario, is critical. Make sure you can get the site up and running and that the whole process is recorded in a known location.

  • Monitor Your Site’s Uptime and Speed

There’s a fact that many online businesses don’t want to admit: websites are going down. No website is up 100 percent of the time, whether it is a data center that was hit by lightning or a mouse chewing through a fiber-optic cable, or something more boring. It is therefore imperative that you monitor the reliability of your site so that you are notified when it is down and can respond accordingly.

  • Stay Compliant With Laws

Make sure you know the laws and regulations that your site has to comply with, and make sure that all applicable policies are followed. For the average site, work on your Terms of Services and Privacy Policy with your legal team. Nearly every business site needs these two things and can be overlooked in a redesign. Make sure that marketing stakeholders are included; they frequently use instruments, programs, or websites that enable these documents to be added.

The best way to optimize the protection of cardholder data is to constantly track and implement the requirements prescribed by PCI. Make sure you comply with these laws in order to keep your website and company up and running well.

What are the Website Maintenance Options?

website maintenance

Business owners have four options when it comes to web maintenance: 

1. Hire an in-house web and marketing team. This is an option which is more costly. For the salary, benefits, overhead costs, etc. of each individual, you have to pay.

2. Hire a variety of freelancers with specializations. It is less expensive to hire freelancers, but good coordination and communication are required. The problem here may be that freelancers work independently and do not see the larger image of your company.

3. Hire a company for web maintenance. A smart option is to work with a web maintenance firm. It will have all the resources, including strategy, marketing, and programming services, that you need for web maintenance.

4. Just do it yourself. Be prepared to spend an ample amount of your time and patience if you decide to handle the web maintenance yourself.

In Conclusion

Maintenance of the website can be a daunting job, but it is the secret to the business being a reliable asset to the website. You will face problems from slow speeds to hacked clients, or website data loss due to data corruption without proper maintenance. If you build the mechanism internally or use an external resource to manage your website, invest in maintaining the online presence of your company.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Websites Design & Development
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