Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Why Do Visitors Leave Your Website?

April 24, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Websites Design & DevelopmentServices

Article Overview

10min read

Getting potential visitors to pay your website a visit is hard, grabbing their attention and making them stay is even harder. One of the main reasons visitors leave websites is down to user frustration. The lesser the frustration, the higher the customer retention. Customer retention is directly linked to website design. A professionally designed website by a web design company may do the trick to retain your customers’ attention for more than a few seconds.

What is most satisfying to a website owner is when you receive a like, share or comment. It means you have done something right and people are responding to it. Unfortunately, getting this attention and appreciation is becoming harder. Our modern world can barely spend more than a few minutes on a website skimming through or scrolling by. How can you convince visitors staying on your website is worthwhile?

According to statistics revealed recently, 47% of visitors expect a site to load in 2 seconds and another 40% expect load time to be 3 seconds. With such impatient visitors at your doorstep, you need to obviously pay attention to website load time. People like to be in control, and not have the computer control them. You may produce groundbreaking content and visually appealing images, however, if your site takes 5 minutes to load you know none of the content produced even matters. If the application takes more than a few seconds to load, have a pop-up to notify your visitors they would have to wait a while longer. This is a courteous way of informing your visitors of a minor delay.

What does your website structure look like? Another reason for high bounce rate is website layout. Remember, most visitors only scan your content, not actually spend minutes reading it. When web design is not optimized, you can rarely expect visitors to even the content. It is time to get your web design company to implement design principles of the highest standard. For instance, visual hierarchy will give visitors an idea of which order content appears in.

Avoid autoplay issues whenever possible. If you’ve noticed some websites have videos that turn on by itself. This can be an irritant for the visitor who just came on to check some information. Not everyone who visits your website does it from the comfort of their home. They may be at work. The last thing they need is music blaring from their computer when they are attempting to check a website discreetly. Also, visitors like to be in charge which means if they want to watch a video, they will do it without too much prompting.

Uninteresting content is a certain turn off. Do not make your homepage a standout and the rest of the pages bland. Think about this, who enters websites through homepages anymore? There has been a drastic change in search patterns and many visitors find websites through social media or landing pages. Each page should be a standout and compelling

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Websites Design & DevelopmentServices
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