Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Do You Want To Redesign Your Website? Here’s How

April 11, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Websites Design & DevelopmentServices

Article Overview

10min read

Many business owners are trying to put a new spin on their website, but where do you start? First, take a step back and analyze conversion goals. They shouldn’t be too confusing or cumbersome for visitors. Users expect easy to use, easy to navigate design. People just don’t have the time to waste on frustratingly complex or slow websites. With plenty of competitors to pick from, visitors have a plethora of choices. It is up to you to make your website design compelling enough to give them reason enough to stay.

Your web design company can give visitors hero shots of the product or service, direct, catchy headlines and strong call to action buttons. The best way to go is using responsive design. Google loves it and so do mobile device users. It is also cost effective as it saves on development costs in the long term. As smartphones become a bigger part of our daily lives, responsive designs become future proof.

When it comes to content, there is a push to simplify. Give your users a scrolling story. Unravel tidbits as they scroll down. This makes the content structure an interesting read. And as you share new tidbits, the user will become more and more engaged and intrigued as the story goes on. One way of capturing the attention of an audience is by sharing newsworthy content, content not seen anywhere else. Every sentence is a story of its own. Content has to be presented in such a way that it keeps the attention of the viewer from beginning to end, and every line in-between.

Social validation has taken on a life of its own. The measure of a worthwhile story is in its numbers. When a post is shared numerous times it must mean it is good. Social sharing is not about liking a post anymore, it goes well beyond that. You have to ask yourself, is your content worth sharing?

Landing pages are not meant to be part of the homepage. People prefer simpler and uncluttered pages over complex and hard to navigate websites. The landing page should present information the user needs to see, not anything more than that. The landing page presents the facts, showcases its icons and the purchase now option. This is it! A web development company will make your landing page simple. Tell the user exactly what is on there, how much it costs and how they can purchase it. Landing pages are straightforward and will not change anytime soon.

Finally, create efficient designs. Remember you have exactly 2.6 seconds to grab the attention of a user. They are here one second, gone the next if you are unable to keep them engaged during that brief period. This is what you need to aim for. Redesign your website to pull your visitors in, but more importantly, get them to stay.


Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Websites Design & DevelopmentServices
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