Be Unique
Angela Soudi

How To Stay Relevant With Evolving Digital Marketing Trends

December 4, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Google Ads Management

Article Overview

10min read

The essence of marketing is being on your toes to figure out what is coming next. If you are a business owner you know that your customers are online, which means digital marketing has to be a part of your overall marketing plan. Digital marketing has so many components which include social media marketing, SEO, email marketing and PPC so businesses have numerous opportunities in this online world.

Digital marketing trends are swift and they evolve quickly. For instance, one group of entrepreneurs may believe that social media marketing is effective, while another group firmly prefers email marketing. If you want your business to thrive you cannot stick to one approach suits all. You need to look at new developments. So let’s look at digital marketing trends that will explode in the New Year.

Smartphones all the way
Mobile devices are increasing marketing dominance, particularly in customer engagement, advertising, and conversion rate. Mobile devices should be taken seriously, and with the mobile-first algorithm by Google, mobile content-indexing is tilting advertising more in favor of smartphones.

Local advertising
Small businesses should start to adopt location-based advertising. If you run a flower shop, for instance, you can advertise within a five-mile radius when it comes to special offers or special celebrations like Valentines Day. This geo-marketing tactic will cost less but lead to a higher conversion rate.

Videos over images
Videos will dominate over images. Yes, a picture is certainly worth a few thousands but a video now equals millions. Digital advertising will run mostly on video marketing. Video content has become an effective medium to increase traffic, engagement, gain leads and boost conversions.

No more one size approach
There will be no one size fits all strategy. That element of marketing will become obsolete. Your audience will be made up of different customers from various locations and cultures. They will not respond to the same ad in the same way. You will have to take individual needs into consideration in the New Year.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Google Ads Management
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