Be Unique
Angela Soudi

How SEO Impacts The Bottom Line

September 27, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Search Engine OptimizationServices

Article Overview

10min read

The fundamental principle that SEO needs to impact your bottom line is not news. One of the surest ways for your business to gain a foothold in the industry has been through search engine optimization. The higher your website is ranked the more chances it has of being found by prospective customers. There is another side to this. Just because your site ranks on top it doesn’t automatically mean you will have an immediate increase in sales and revenue. What are the positive impacts SEO can have on your ROI?

Do you know who gets the biggest share of clicks? It is usually the top three results on Google. A higher ranking will give your site greater exposure when prospects are searching for keywords related to your business.

You will see an increase in targeted traffic. Your website will not only receive an increase in traffic, it will be traffic that is relevant to the business.

SEO helps increase the trust factor. It is only natural for visitors to trust the top results on search engines. The higher you are ranked, the more click-through-rates and leads you will see.

It will boost your business image in people’s minds. When visitors continuously see your business ranked on top it will become instantly recognizable and easier to identify. There is a big chance it will stick in the minds of users, with them returning to your site for products and services. It is also likely that word of mouth will get other people interested in your brand as a trust has already been established by your current base of customers.

SEO should not be a last minute thing. You should implement it from the get-go. Many businesses attempt at SEO once the website has been launched, this is a big mistake. SEO should be considered for your website during the development stage.

Given the statistics that 51% of people use their mobile to access digital media, optimizing your website to reach mobile audiences will make you a favorite with Google. Search engines will love you all the more with the right SEO optimization tactics for mobile audiences.

And finally, SEO is not an expense, it is an investment. Left in the hands of an expert SEO agency, SEO is a necessary investment to boost traffic, get higher ranking and reduce bounce rate. Your bottom line will be impacted by all this, which will eventually determine the success on return on investment.




Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Search Engine OptimizationServices
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