Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Recruitment Process – 5 Best Strategies Recruiters Adopt in a Post-Pandemic World

January 4, 2021

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Article Overview

10min read

The COVID-19 – which went from an outbreak to a full-on global pandemic – has changed the business world in many aspects. From the stock market crashing to unemployment rates reaching record lows, for the past few months we have been witnessing major challenges around us. As companies grapple with the economic slowdown and loss in revenues, many were forced to lay off their employees. While some have laid off employees by offering them good compensation and support, some have forced lay off with no prior notice.

As economies are starting to re-open and many employees without work are looking ahead to the post-pandemic world – which is filled with uncertainty – for growth opportunities, CEOs and HR representatives are searching for comprehensive ways to handle the recruitment process. This is going to be a big swing, as hiring and recruitment is one area where major changes happen. Also, the moment the market bounces back, recruiters might have to do an insane hiring ramp-up.

But, how will the recruitment process and planning look after COVID-19? What tactics and strategies should employers or recruiters adopt to help prepare their recruitment practices for this post-pandemic world?

From an economy with talent scarcity to one with potentially high unemployment and a remote work attitude, we will likely experience the economic aftershocks of COVID for a long-time.

As businesses were pushed to undergo a digital transformation overnight, we can expect a shift towards high-quality, long-term recruitment strategies too – that hopefully will retain and develop exceptional candidates. This is because, the recruitment process will not be the same as pre-COVID times, as the pandemic has sparked long-term changes in the recruitment process. Old recruitment strategies are not going to work, and therefore, you’ll need to have a new hiring strategy, which is pertinent and can be efficiently implemented.

Also, regardless of whether or not your organization is recruiting, it’s very important to understand how the hiring process will actively reform in a post-pandemic world. So, let’s take a look at the five best recruiting strategies in a post-pandemic world:

1. Remote Interviews: A New Norm


Remote interviews are an absolute win in this situation. With the availability of advanced technology tools, remote or digital interviews have become the new normal. Instead of traditional interviews being done face-to-face, remote interviews provide diverse advantages for employers and candidates. It can overcome the hassle that interviewing in a physical space can create: such as finding a free meeting room for an interview, or ensuring that someone is on reception to let the candidates in.

To make the whole recruitment process more efficient, recruiters use video conferencing tools and online assessment tools.

According to a recent survey by recruitment company Walters People,  67% of recruiters reported using video interviews to recruit employees during the height of the pandemic, suggesting that remote interviews are becoming much more common.

By adopting this strategy, you not only protect yourself, your employees, and the applicant, but you also provide your prospects with a measure of flexibility. 

2. Offer a remote work option

One of the major trends that we all witnessed during this economic uncertainty period was remote working, which is expected to stay even if the pandemic ebbs.

According to an AND CO and Remote Year survey, remote work is growing in popularity. It’s with this pandemic most organizations realized that most of their jobs do not require the staff’s physical presence in the workplace. Instead, they can work from home or any location.

For instance, a Gartner survey of employers in the USA in July 2020, found that 82% of companies intended to allow their employees to work remotely for at least part of the time.

Though a rapid change in the work landscape has opened up the doors and a long-debated discussion about the feasibility of remote work, millions of employees around the world have found themselves suddenly shifted to remote work positions. This is because; remote work provides flexibility and productivity, saves employers and workers money, motivates work perks and contributes to job satisfaction.

Therefore, in a post-pandemic world, offer more remote working opportunities that will add flexibility to your staff’s schedule.

3. Build New Connections

As unemployment is a major concern for many employees during this situation, it is more likely for employees to consider more opportunities and shift from one company to the next – if the job offers steadiness and a secure future. Consider building relationships with excellent candidates and bounce back when you are hiring.

4. Offer more work-life balance options

High-end candidates often expect their employers to take steps to manage their work-life balance considerations as the widespread remote working blurred the boundaries between work and life.  Few ways to improve work-life balance include:

1. Focusing on staff’s productivity rather than working hours

2. Improve child-care provision.

3. Offer time off and encouraging regular breaks

4. Give employees time to volunteer

5. Offer health cash plans

Taking such steps ahead while recruiting will help attracting and retaining high-skilled candidates.

5. Welcome changes in HR policies


Make sure to adjust your HR policies according to the current situation. This involves handling of pay and benefits, change in platforms already used to communicate, expectations from staff members, considering advanced hiring options and more.

Are you ready to start planning your recruitment strategy and grow your business on a healthy upward projection in a post-COVID world? Consider these strategies and plan your recruitment process accordingly.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
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