Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Key Tips for Recruiting the Best Tech Talent

October 18, 2020

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Article Overview

10min read

Finding the best talent in the technical field – that includes IT professionals, computer science professionals, software developers, engineers, data scientists, and many more emerging positions – can be a challenge for recruiters. This is because, like any other industry, the tech field is also witnessing soaring unemployment rates – especially in the US and parts of Europe – due to the rising skills shortage. However, this shortage can impact businesses in many ways – such as lost revenue, slower product development, and increased employee work pressure, and thus burnout. 

In this context, companies can no longer presume that advertising a high salary will get them the best talents. Moreover, as there are many IT companies around, there is also equally strong competition in finding the right candidate with the required skills set and technical knowledge. Therefore, if a business wants to find or attract the best tech talent for their firm, they need to give proper care and attention to their recruiting strategies.

Consider these tips to develop a strong and focused recruitment strategy.

  • Invest in the latest technological tools: For multiple reasons – which range from pure self-interest to more theoretical and practical beliefs about how companies use modern technology – highly skilled tech professionals would look seriously at the technology a company uses. Such tech professionals would have the best knowledge of technology and they will be up-to-date with the changing trends.

Therefore, consider investing in the latest technology tools which will help attract more tech-savvy candidates to your firm. This will also provide an opportunity to hire those who are passionate about technology and whose skills are keeping up with the market trends. Also, people often pursue careers in technology for innovation as they want an opportunity to think outside the box. 

By implementing the newest technology, tech professionals would get that opportunity and hence, provide your employees with the most beneficial tools to help them perform to the best of their capabilities. However, businesses investing in such technologies, need to highlight what their company is doing that’s new and exciting to outline a potential career growth plan for their interested candidate.

  • Highlight your company vision and goals: Share your company’s growth goals and vision with prospective employees, as most employees like to be a part of an organization with exciting goals. Let them understand your exciting vision and company culture so that they will also prepare to be a part of that. Conduct a relaxed meeting so that the prospects will be encouraged to speak up and learn more about your team’s culture.
  • Provide the best possible offers: Make sure you offer what a top talent needs. While some candidates will be focusing on a better salary, others require flexible work time or better incentives. Get to know what really matters for them and make the best possible offers that will improve employee satisfaction as well. Check what your competitors are not offering for the new hire and provide better offers. Make your prospective employees understand that your firm respects employees and stands above all competition.
  • Include current employees in your recruitment process: Make use of the experience and knowledge of your current tech team in finding new talent. Remember that they are an invaluable recruiting resource. With real-time knowledge, they understand what specific skills and abilities will better suit your job requirements. Your staff can assist you to a great extent in making better hiring decisions.
  • Hire tech-specialized recruiters who are well-versed in the field: When you are recruiting tech talents, make sure that you bring the right mix of right people to the hiring team. Because, if your panel is not fit for asking tech-related questions, you might lose a candidate’s interest in your organization.



Have a recruiter who specializes in finding tech talent or understands the tech language to attract top tech talents. They can better connect with the candidates as well as understand the necessities of the job, leading to better hires. They can also make an excellent first impression on behalf of your organization as they can express what you’re looking for in a particular and practical way.

  • Organize Interesting Tech Talent Events: Tech talent events are a great opportunity for an organization to meet its potential tech candidates, showcase their existing tech talents and their company culture. These events also offer a chance for tech talents to meet, connect, learn from each other, and have fun.



You can either conduct a live or online event. If you are targeting your local tech talent community then organize a live event with a meetup, coding challenge, or a hackathon. Highlight interesting projects your organization worked or is working on and emphasize the exciting new technologies you use. At the same time, if you are looking to expand your reach beyond the local tech community, then organize global online tech talent events such as webinars for more visibility.

Along with these strategies, tech recruiters should consider soft skills, too. As the tech field is an ever-changing and evolving one, stay ahead of the curve by recruiting top tech talents in your firm.



Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
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