Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Insurance Lead Generation – 3 Sure-fire Ways to Get In Front of Insurance Prospects

February 12, 2019

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Google Ads Management

Article Overview

10min read

Insurance Lead Generation – Getting in front of prospects is important but not the most pressing concern for insurance companies and brokers. The result of a LinkedIn Technology Marketing Group survey showed that Lead generation remains the top marketing concern for most companies. According to the study, 55 percent of the respondents were concerned with increasing the number of leads that they generate from their marketing efforts while 68 percent were interested in improving the quality of their leads.


Thus, it is safe to conclude that lead generation (quality and quantity is a major concern for businesses; especially businesses that rely on leads for survival – including insurance firms. But generating leads; especially quality leads on a consistent basis is a difficult task and expensive. As discovered by Madison Logic, generating one quality lead can cost as high as $60.


However, as difficult and expensive as it appears, there are some online marketing strategies that can help you generate quality leads on a consistent basis, at the lowest cost possible.

In this post, we take a look at 3 of the best lead generation tactics that we have used to generate leads for our clients.


Insurance Lead Generation – Use Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing involves the use of content marketing techniques to engage with prospects, build trust and ultimately generate leads for your business. According to a Marketo survey, this marketing technique generates more leads than traditional marketing tactics.

Ultimately, inbound marketing follows four distinct steps:
1. Create content that will appeal to your prospects – help prospects to solve problems
2. Distribute the content using relevant channels – blogs, social media, ads, etc.
3. Nurture the leads using more content – email newsletters, Facebook Messenger BOT
4. Convert leads to policyholders

This technique does not only help you to generate leads but can also help you to build trusts so you can upsell or generate referrals through a loyal audience.

In addition, inbound marketing techniques such as blogging can be a source of continuous lead generation. Ranking for insurance-related keywords can help position your website for continuous lead generation at no additional cost, through search engine results.

For instance, if the manager or the owner of a new company is looking to buy general liability insurance for the first time, he or she will most likely to turn to one resource for accurate, unbiased information on the subject – Google. If your website has been positioned to provide such information with a clear call to action that will help you to convert the searcher into a lead, he or she may end up contacting you for more detailed inquiries.

Bear in mind that the process is difficult and require some investment and knowledge of search engine optimization. But once your website has been positioned to generate results, quality leads can be generated at no additional cost.


Insurance Lead Generation – Use Pay Per Click Campaigns (Google Ads)
Google Ads is a powerful online advertising tool. The strength of pay per click marketing campaigns lies in the quality of results generated. When expertly optimized and properly managed, Google ads can produce $2 for everyone $1 spent – that is how good it can be.

While content marketing guarantees better returns over time, pay per click produces instant results and can help your website gain visibility faster.

In addition, with Google ads campaigns, you have total control over your marketing budget and how to bid and pay for results. From deciding on the keywords to bid for to deciding your bidding method and how much you are willing to pay for every click or conversion. Everything is under your control.

And lastly, the results are easily measurable and available throughout the duration of the campaign, even after it has ended.


Insurance Lead Generation – Old School Still Works – Referrals
Retaining existing customers is more important than acquiring new ones. This is because apart from being 5 times more expensive to sell to a new client, happy clients can be a source of quality leads through referrals.

So lead generation strategies doesn’t stop after conversion. Ensure that you keep in touch with your clients – send out thank you emails or letters after sign up, send personalized emails, remember their birthdays and if possible, offer incentives for referrals.


There are other strategies that work well for firms in the financial industries. However, these three strategies are very effective in generating quality insurance leads.

While referrals and content marketing are very effective for long-term lead generation, pay per click campaign is particularly good if you are looking to generate results as quickly as possible.

If you are interested in learning more about how to generate leads for your insurance company using effective online marketing strategies, feel free to sign up to our mailing list.

Our insurance marketing specialists can also help you create and execute effective insurance marketing campaigns.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Google Ads Management
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