Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Instagram Allows Advertisers to Create Sponsored Posts With Users’ Accounts

January 1, 2021

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Social Media Management

Article Overview

10min read

Instagram is now allowing advertisers to create sponsored posts from user accounts through an update to its branded content ads feature. Introduced last year, branded content ads were rolled out as a way for influencers to spot when their posts are sponsored by a company or brand. It remains an important way for Instagram creators to make money and with the new updates, it has become much easier for creators and brands to create, share and amplify branded content across the platform.

Branded Content Ads

According to Instagram, 68% of people come to its platform to interact with creators. Branded content ads give businesses the ability to present their brand stories to users through the creators’ voices. Through branded content ads, businesses can reach new and targeted audiences beyond the people who follow the brand and creator accounts and can measure impact. Created by influencers, these ads promote a particular brand or business in return for some sort of compensation like money, products, or services.

When branded content ads appear in feeds and stories, audiences will see “Paid partnership with” along with the brand name on each post, which looks just like organic posts published from the user’s account. The only difference with branded ads is that they have a tag reading.

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Branded Content ads that could only be created by promoting the existing posts from creators, required much coordination between the influencer and the brand. The content had to be published as an organic post first, and then only the brand would go through Instagram to promote the post as an ad. However, now Instagram is now launching a new workflow, which allows advertisers to create Branded Content ads without the need for creators to post organically on Instagram first. The new update aims to streamline the process on both sides, as brands have more flexibility with fewer constraints when they want to run Branded Content ads. That is, the new process – that has been designed with creator control in mind – allows brands to craft an ad with the creator’s own account and even publish it. However, creators can approve and pause any ads published from their handle.

Instagram’s New Branded Content Ad Creation Process

The new process for publishing branded content ads in Instagram involves 3 steps.

1. Step 1: Advertiser sends a request for ad creation access

– In this first step, advertisers can send requests – by typing in the person’s name – for ad creation access by going to:

1. Settings > Business > Branded Content > Request Ad Creation Access

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2. Step 2: Creator accepts the ad creation access

1. Once you have sent a request for ad creation access, on the creator’s side, the advertiser’s request will show up in the activity tab where all other notifications are found.

2. Tap on the notification, to view creators all approved ad partners and pending requests.

3. Tap on “Approve” to establish a partnership between the creator and the brand.

4. Advertisers can immediately start submitting ads for review, once the request is approved.

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3. Step 3: Creator receives the notification of a created ad for their approval

1. Advertisers will craft the ad and will submit it for the creator’s approval.

2. To publish the ad from the creator’s account, Tap “Approve”

3. If the creator isn’t satisfied with the ad, they can simply tap on the option “Decline” or they can choose to pause the ad after approving it.

More Branded Content Ad Capabilities on Instagram

Along with the launch of a whole new process for publishing branded content ads, Instagram is also rolling out a few updates too. They include:

1. Bringing the Branded Content Tag to Reels + Live: Branded content ads roll out to Reels – to help increase transparency -and will begin testing in Live in the coming weeks.

2. Branded Content ads in Stories: Tappable elements, such as @mentions, location, and hashtags can now be included in Branded Content ads. Twitter also wants brands to have access to organic Stories’ creative – that is local and authentic to the Stories experience.

3. Branded Content ads with Product Tags: Businesses will now be able to promote branded content posts with product tags, which will begin testing in the coming months. Till recently, branded content ads from creators that included product tags were not able to be promoted. But now, brands can get more value out of these ads and it has become easier for people to shop directly from creators that inspire them.

4. Branded Content with Age Restrictions: Now, businesses and creators can set age restrictions – can choose to set a default minimum age or a minimum age for specific countries, or a combination of both.- for their branded content feed posts on Instagram.

Instagram continues to be inspired by the creators and brands that come together to partner on its platform. They are also committed to supporting this work so brands can continue to use the power of creator voices to tell their story while helping creators grow and make a living. However, Instagram’s new update will also help the people who are badly affected by the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, as it helps people to market their product up to a limit. The company is mainly focusing on small businesses and encourages people to adapt to the new normal.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Social Media Management
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