Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Top Strategies For Improving Google AdWords Performance

March 27, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Google Ads Management

Article Overview

10min read

If you’ve hit the ceiling in your Google AdWords campaign, it is time to review it. This is a critical stage and reviewing your campaign for areas of improvement and forming new strategies are important. Let’s look at the most effective strategies to improve your Google Ads performance for your e-commerce store.

First things first, break down the keywords. Implement single keywords and group keywords. Keywords are king when it comes to giving your Google Ads the best performance metrics. Most marketers place between 10 and 20 keywords in a group which makes it difficult to incorporate every single one in an ad copy. Instead, if you have a single keyword per ad it makes it incredibly effective. You know each time your ad was triggered the specific keyword was typed in. You can monitor your Google AdWords campaign to understand which keywords worked and which didn’t.

Once you have placed keywords in ad groups, the next step is to create creative Adwords that are specific to a particular keyword related to the ad group. Your template should include your keyword, features and benefits, and the call to action.

You have the opportunity of segmenting your product feed in several different ways. However, most marketers prefer to segment by product ID. Segment products into smaller groups, otherwise each product would have the same set of keywords, both negative and positive and the level of impact would be minimal. Segment your product ID and place each product in a separate keyword group.

Your PPC Company can verify your Google AdWords management strategy by social proofing your ads. You can social proof your ads in two ways. You can add review extension or seller rating extension. CTR is known to increase by 15% when you add a review extension. A review extension is when you display an ad alongside the product. Seller extension is also a review placed by the side of your ad once you have received 150 positive reviews on a review platform approved by Google.

A PPC Company will create urgency in your followers. This is one of the best and most effective ways to get your Google Ad to work. It is an underused feature but a countdown timer will create urgency and lead to increased conversions. Implementing a timer showed an increase in CTR by 4. 02%. How can you create this urgency? Use words and phrases to indicate to your followers that if they don’t click on the call to action button, they will lose the benefit. For instance, you can say, first 50 to click will receive something free, or time is running out, limited offers available.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Google Ads Management
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