Be Unique
Angela Soudi

How To Get Your Website Visitors Clicking?

July 2, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Websites Design & DevelopmentServices

Article Overview

10min read

The goal of your website is to get visitors clicking. The call to action may be to sign up for the newsletter, subscribe to a free e-book, download a demo, join your social media profiles, or even call your office directly. You want your visitors clicking on something, or following a call to action on your website.

Aside from getting people to click on your site, you want leading search engines to identify your website and direct traffic towards it. Leading search engines like Google measures what happens when a visitor visits your site. For instance, how long did the person stay? Did they complete any action? Did they leave before completing the action? If your visitors click it shows Google your site is worth recognizing and will help increase traffic to your site in the future.

What are some ways you can encourage visitors to click on your site?

If you want people to click on links, present these links in interesting ways. They should appear useful and relevant to existing content or the topic at hand

Start a conversation by asking an open-ended question. Visitors should be able to leave a comment and be alerted when there are new replies.

If your visitors sign up, offer them something free like a bonus or downloadable demo, e-book; something that tempts them to go through with the action.

Provide your visitors with visual and interactive content in the form of a slide show. Visual content is always appealing and is something that holds the attention of people, even more so than text based content.

For a website to work, the web design company should offer your visitors a professional yet personally appealing web design. The design should be simple but have an elegant touch. It should be a design that attracts visitors to not just visit but stay on your site for a more than a few seconds.

A web development company will look at the bigger picture. All the intricate details will be woven together to create this picture. At the end of the day you want a website that will draw in customers and increase conversions. You want a responsive web design that creates a memorable impression, tempts the visitor to stay and turns them into buying customers. This is what professional web design can do for your business, it will get your visitors clicking!




Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Websites Design & DevelopmentServices
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