Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Want A Massive Instagram Following? Every Marketer Needs To Know This

September 18, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Social Media ManagementServices

Article Overview

10min read

Instagram advertising is at an exciting get to know time period. It is a simple and growing platform with currently more than 700 million users. It is said Instagram has one of the highest engagement rates, it is sky-high. It is also interesting for marketers. Businesses have been offered new tools and brand friendly features. When you are working to grow your company account you need the best tactics.

As much as you may not have time to monitor Instagram all day long, it is important you remain consistent with your posting. Post according to a schedule so your followers know what to expect from you. At minimum, you should post once a day. The higher the frequency the more successful the account will be. Brands that have a regular Instagram flow will produce the best results. It is consistency that is key to getting people to see your posts.

Study hashtags, explore and load up on them. Hashtags are nowhere as important as they are on Instagram. The right hashtag will expose your brand to a targeted audience. And there doesn’t seem to be Instagram hashtag fatigue like you see on other social media networks. In fact, hashtag is your best bet to grow a large following. It can be difficult to know which hashtag to use. Just ensure it is relevant and modern, not overly used or used for negative purposes.

Another way to grow your Instagram account is by sharing user generated content. Brands talking about the best of user content and giving credit to the creator makes a big difference in how followers see you.

Make requests to your followers, simple requests will do. For instance, ask them to tag a friend when liking, posting or commenting on your platform. This opens up opportunity for people outside of your demographic to see you. This tactic works in the case of events and parties.

A photo contest will never become irrelevant. People love taking photos and posting them for everyone to see. Get followers to post a photo under a specific theme, and add more excitement by giving away a prize at the end of it.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Social Media ManagementServices
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