Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Examples Of Instagram Ads People Just Love

June 9, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Marketing On InstagramServices

Article Overview

10min read

What makes people click on ads? Is it a funny caption or an incredibly breathtaking photo? While there are plenty of tips and guidelines to what makes Instagram advertising successful, it also depends largely on what you do to make your ad seem organic and natural.

Instagram advertising offers businesses a massive opportunity to appear on people’s Instagram feed without disrupting the user experience. Let’s look at some popular Instagram ads that people absolutely loved.

Food52 recently posted an organic ad content for users to visualize the image and actually make them feel hungry. It was a great photo using contrasting colours and great texture. It used geometric lines and shapes to draw in user engagement. It was inspiring. Millennials these days would rather spend time and energy on experiences over things, according to recently published statistics. This image created a great user experience and drew in millions of people to the ad.

Amy Porterfield is a prolific social media and marketing consultant who creates educational material and resources for businesses. Recently she promoted a free webinar training to show businesses how to generate new customer leads. The ad worked because it gave users a clear cut impression of the company. It gave her brand much needed personality and humanized it, made it seem relatable to others. The instructions to the call for action were precise. It was geared towards businesses and marketers who wanted to hone their marketing skills at no cost.

The New York Times featured their most famous crossword puzzle, based on the popular Nickelodean TV show. It challenged readers to solve the puzzle and excited about it. The ad prompted interaction and created nostalgia for the 90s. It made people want to indulge in a bit of old time television and take a trip down memory lane.

Headspace is a 10 minute meditation session which comes in the form of an app that has a countdown clock. It is an effective ad that helps release stress and anxiety of the user. It is an appealing ad considering millions of people around the world suffer from anxiety disorder. The ad used warm colours which promotes feelings of energy. It also offers emotional words of encouragement and hope.


Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Marketing On InstagramServices
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