Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Emotional Marketing And Facebook Ads

June 7, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Marketing On FacebookServices

Article Overview

10min read

Facebook marketing is like being in an auction. You can either win or lose. Obviously, you want to win. A smart approach would be to get the attention of your audience. While there are plenty of tips on how to access a Facebook audience, one that seems highly effective is to play to people’s emotions. Recent statistics revealed an ad campaign with emotional marketing performed twice as well as a factual and rational campaign.

Spice up your Facebook campaign with an added edge, spice and thrill and bring in all the emotions to play, from melancholy, excitement, surprise and even an element of shock.

Have you attended an event because of the fear of missing out? Maybe your friends were going out and you didn’t want to miss out on the excitement and fun. If it is an amazing experience, people don’t want to feel left out. This doesn’t apply to just regular events, it also applies to aspects in your everyday life, including business.

Here’s how you can use emotion in your Facebook ads,

  • State the number of people already benefiting from your product or service
  • Hint they may be missing out on something important
  • Show a fascinating community and make them feel like they are not part of it
  • Give a limited offer on your Facebook ad so that people are compelled to sign up

Did you know excitement increases people’s impulsiveness and pushes them to make a decision based on their feelings more than thoughts? If your Facebook ad excites people, they are more likely to take up the offer. Your Facebook ad should live and breathe excitement from the get go. It should be of an energetic tone, contain bright colours and give people a sense they are opening Pandora’s Box.

Once you decide to use emotions as your tactic, don’t let the magic of it fade away before it sells. Keep at it, make it seem compelling and intriguing for people to sign up for your offer.

Give your audience something to be curious about. Curiosity is what propels people to find out more and more about what they don’t know. Curiosity connects the dots and makes it hard for people to resist what is so easily in front of them.

Play to people’s happiness. People prefer positive posts over the negative ones and tend to share content that makes them happy. Use images of people smiling or laughing and brightly coloured designs in your ad. Not only will the ad spark happy feelings but it will reverberate throughout your brand. People will associate good and happy thoughts when they think of your business.



Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Marketing On FacebookServices
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