Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Ecommerce And Instagram. What Businesses Need To Know

April 19, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Marketing On InstagramServices

Article Overview

10min read

If you run an ecommerce business, you would have taken the time to check out social media platforms by now. If you are still contemplating which profile would suit your brand the best, remember to take a good, hard look at Instagram with its 500 million active users and an unrivaled photo sharing platform. Instagram marketing helps create a buzz for your product, your photos get discovered by people around the world and it is an effective tool to take your e-store to the next level.

Today, brands no longer use just one social media platform. They want to be on all of it. As much as there isn’t a need to be on all platforms, Instagram is one platform you should certainly not do without. You may be an established brand or just starting out, you need to build a strong brand consistency and attract an audience to your product and service. Instagram advertising is an effective solution at converting potential users to buying customers.

When selling on Instagram use the appropriate tools. Give your ecommerce store a clickable storefront. This makes selling easier for brand. There are popular software tools that can help you connect multiple products on a single image. The bio link on Instagram can be connected to the buy now button. A person enters the Instagram page, and uses the buy now button. Shopping has never been this easy!

Use hashtags to sell your products on Instagram. Inselly is a handy way to go about this. Similar to linking your storefront as a clickable link, #Inselly hashtag will make your products buyable products for customers to find and purchase them through Instagram platform.

Use eye catching photos. When you have been given a photo platform, ensure your photos are visually appealing. Showcase your products using the best and most high quality images. In addition, attribute your images with watermark. This way, your customers won’t feel like you are pushing them to buy your product or service, but they will be intrigued enough to find out more about your business.

Encourage your followers to join in the game. Get users to share their images to showcase products they may have purchased from you. You can also have photo sharing contests to engage your audience and draw their interest, and have a giveaway at the end of it. The more engaged your audience is with your brand, the more dedicated they become. What any brand needs is loyal customers. And this is what contests and competitions aim to do.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Marketing On InstagramServices
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