The Best SEO Tools & Techniques Explained By An Expert
January 28, 2022
Article Overview
10min readSEO, or search engine optimization can be understood as how your website is indexed by search engines, like Google. Optimizing your site for search engines can help your website rank higher on popular search engines.
Trying to beat the continuous algorithm updates can be tricky but if you follow these new tips and tricks for SEO optimisation you should remain high on user search results.
One of the ways to do so is to improve and maintain your websites core web vitals. This relates to page experience and should be considered during your website design and development. Web vitals are measured by the responsiveness, the speed, and the visual stability of your site. These are measured by first input delay (FID), largest contentful paint (LCP), and cumulative layout shifts (CLS) respectively.
Another tip is to focus on featured snippets that will appear at the very top of a search result, in a box. This can be done by using long term keywords, format wisely and use questions in your content. Research has shown that longer words will more likely feature as a snippet when an individual is conducting a search query. Using questions that start with words like “do”, “can”, and “why” may result in being featured in more snippets. The majority of individuals who use search engines will look for their answers in the form of a question. The main different types of a featured snippet are list, paragraph, video and table. Keeping these formats in mind when designing your content can increase the possibility of them being featured as a snippet and can help push your content to the top. The benefit of this is that your content will be at the very top of the results page and have the appearance of being a trustworthy site.
Managing brand reputation can also help with SEO. Google aims to push trustworthy and reputable sources to the front. Besides this being in the ethical interest of others, producing quality content that makes use of good resources will better your SEO by leading Google and other search engines to give your website a better ranking.
One of the main ways to manage the reputation of your brand’s website is through backlinking – other pages that link back to your information. This is used by search engines as a way of judging the reputability and safety of a webpage. In order to generate organic backlinks, consider generating content that is original and valuable to others on the web: produce things that are unique to your industry and give it an extra edge. Being able to offer a different perspective will make your content more valuable than preexisting thoughts, ideas and strategies.
Another tip is to continue your efforts once you start posting original content. It can be difficult to be constantly brainstorming but if there’s one thing for sure in the age of the internet is that information can become quickly outdated. Staying on top of what you have already posted, and expanding your existing thoughts can help your site to remain relevant and ultimately give you better SEO results. Content creation should be the focus of any company, no matter how small.
How to better your SEO may be daunting to some but it does not have to be if you follow a few simple guidelines.