Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Why Small Businesses Need To Know About Website Design

March 28, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Websites Design & Development

Article Overview

10min read

Our economy needs small businesses. It has become an integral part of it. Every business has one goal and that is to solve a problem, and in the process create some value through it. A small business too meets a local need through a service or product. Small businesses offer numerous benefits but often have difficulty establishing themselves as serious contenders in the industry. Their message somehow seems to get lost in the mix. Whether it is new startups, entrepreneurs or freelancers they always watch their budget carefully and advertising is kept to a minimal.

Today, businesses are all about first impressions. Customers make decisions based on first impressions whether it is to stay on a site or move onto the next one. All it takes is 2.6 seconds to make this decision, which means this is all the time small businesses have to present something that is deemed worthwhile investing into by the average consumer.

Small businesses working to establish in the industry need to offer users a memorable digital experience. This is what increases customer engagement online. How can small businesses offer an interesting browsing experience to users?

A web design company will help keep the design fresh, unique and simple. As much as you should not limit your design into a more traditional mode, it should steer clear from being too modern. Users prefer a perfect balance. Your site should stand out, not look like the other hundred websites easily found on the internet. Your goal is to create a unique impression, one that users remember for a long time.

If you are selling a product or service, showcase it clearly. Many businesses fail to effectively place their product or service, while others put up too many products and services that it all gets lost in the mix. You have a few seconds, make use of this time and give your users an eye catching experience.

A web development company will pay attention to website load time. You may not realize this, but people don’t have the time to wait until your website loads. It should be an instant load; otherwise they will find somewhere else to go. Use the latest bandwidth and hardware infrastructure to support the web design.

As much as customers are browsing for products they are also looking to have a memorable user experience. For instance, if you take the food industry you would know diners don’t visit a restaurant to just eat, but to also to enjoy the experience of dining out. Similarly, it is not all about the product or service; it is also about how interesting and entertaining the experience is!

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Websites Design & Development
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