Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Top Reasons Why Content Marketing Can Win With SEO

April 4, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Search Engine OptimizationServices

Article Overview

10min read

If you look back at the last two decades, SEO has changed numerous times. Search engines did not stop tweaking algorithms with the goal to provide users with the best content possible. However, people did not stop trying to get through loop holes during this period. This reached a point of crisis when leading websites were flooded with high volume, low quality content. And in 2011, Google responded by downgrading sites producing poor quality content and involved in shady link schemes. The publishing world had to reevaluate priorities and focus on delivering a user experience that supersedes even Google’s expectations.

Since then, Yahoo and Bing too have followed the example set by Google and now search engines can identify sites that deliver high quality and relevant content. As much as you look at smart ways to deliver high quality content, the bigger picture still remains in tact. The goal of the SEO company is to get people to stay on your website long enough to convert. Let’s look at successful SEO tips to win content marketing.

Original stories win
Engaging and original stories are key to winning over your audience. People are not interested in re-reading the same piece of content rehashed; they want new, fresh and authentic content. Your stories should sound real, relevant and intriguing. These are good enough reasons for people to stay on.

Keyword research matters
Create content with relevant keywords. First, learn all about your audience, what they like, dislike and are neutral about. What makes them passionate, cringe, cry or just walk away. Create content using highly relevant keywords based on such themes and trends. The more you make your content user-oriented, the more engaged people will become.

Create winning headlines
What you need are long term, sustainable headlines. Just because you want the headline to be a wining one, a racy or shocking headline will only have a short term effect. Think long term, something that will be relevant even a few months from now. Do not always tease users; sometimes a more descriptive approach can get more clicks. The key is to connect with your audience.

Pay attention to the pesky details. Optimize on both page and platform. All those meta descriptions and tags may seem like lot of work, but they help search engines identify what your page represents. If you fail to do this it can openly sabotage the content. Use intelligent platform technology, for instance, your SEO agency can cleanup headers, HTML codes, URL structures and server errors.

Inbound links
Find inbound links from reputable sources. For instance, you can grow your inbound links through guest blogging. Guest blogging can also add authority and value. However, don’t get inbound links at the expense of unrelated or irrelevant content, despite the authority of the source.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Search Engine OptimizationServices
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