Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Social Media Has Changed Businesses, And For The Better

July 12, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Social Media ManagementServices

Article Overview

10min read

It was not long ago that people poked fun at the Facebook kid sharing their latest party pictures. Today, it has over 1 billion users and much more than party sharing is going on. Everyday, people spend up to one hour on Facebook related activities, 400 million people are active on Twitter and another 200 million on LinkedIn. This was unheard of a decade ago. In fact, many of these platforms didn’t even fully exist before 2005.

Why are social media networks so unique and effective? It allows people to communicate in real time, and get instant messages to audiences they want to reach. You can write a message anywhere, anytime and the designated party will see it. On social media, it seems everyone is equal. People who are introverts or who never felt like they fit into society or in public crowds have found a way to voice their opinions without being seen or heard. Words are powerful and it seems words can sway or change anything, even elections.

Social media gives way to plenty of words. You can distribute information and people can easily access it. Up until now, social media was just an option but now companies will not survive without it. It is no longer an option you can contemplate about. Every business in every industry seems to have a presence on social media, you not being there means you lose out considerably on its massive audience.

This is not to say that updating your Facebook page once a week or tweeting something every few days will make a difference. Sporadic posting will not amount to anything effective. The web is a platform to socially create; it is not limited to finding out information on the housing market. There is a social effect and it has become a collaborative medium for businesses.

Customers today are more sophisticated than customers of a decade ago. They have a diverse palette and with plenty of options, your social media agency needs to always create that more customized and authentic information to suit the specific taste of your niche group.

Social media is not a fad, it is not a gimmick. It has a unique purpose and businesses need to know how to take advantage of it. Build your brand from the ground up, a social media company will help reshape your business through a strong social media presence online.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Social Media ManagementServices
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