Be Unique
Angela Soudi

How To Make Your Social Media Business Profile Absolutely Successful

June 29, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Social Media ManagementServices

Article Overview

10min read

When it comes to branding your business online social media is a powerful and essential tool. It may be to gain more brand recognition, establish your reputation or connect with your customers, having social media profiles is the way to go. Marketers are beginning to think of social media profiles as landing pages. It may be the first possible encounter you are going to have with a potential customer which means you have to make a great first impression.

You may think the profile picture is not something you need to pay too much attention to. There’s always a debate whether to go with an avatar or photos, brand logo or the face of a person. If you are a well recognized brand, going with the logo counts. If you are a public figure like a musician or politician, a personal picture is best. Once you select the right image stick to it as a default photo across all your social media profiles. This makes it easier for people to recognize you.

Find an opportunity to add your link to the main page of your profile. For instance, you can add your link on Facebook’s profile picture or the YouTube channel page. This is something marketers may miss out on. Make the link front and center to help people find you quickly.

While the bio in your social media profile consists of one to two sentences, it is still the perfect way to elevate yourself and the brand. Your bio should include a couple of keywords. It shouldn’t sound like a sales pitch but it should be written as an answer if someone were to ask you a question about your business. Use the bio to its maximum potential. Take advantage of it, some social media profiles allow for lengthy bios.

Social media profiles allow users to add extended information like favorite hobbies, television shows, books and so on. Many people skip over this part because it is a business profile; however, this is a mistake. You can use these additional fields to include more keywords, while at the same time it allows followers to get to know you on a more personal level.

Once a social media agency has helped complete your profiles, it is time to become active on social media and engage with followers. Maintain a healthy level of activity. Social media is not just about joining groups but participating in them, it is not only about adding friends but engaging and keeping the conversation flowing.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Social Media ManagementServices
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