Be Unique
Angela Soudi

SEO Tricks That Actually Work

May 16, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Search Engine OptimizationServices

Article Overview

10min read

Entrepreneurs can take a lesson from pilots. Ever wondered why planes don’t crash more often? With numerous moving parts, you would think one of them would break when suspended in mid-air. Yet, planes function exactly as they are supposed to because of an extensive checklist performed before every flight takes off. Entrepreneurs who want a strong SEO ranking can perform their own checklist before website take off. There are bound to be crashes and burns along the way, however, it also gives you the best chance to get a high ranking on Google.

Let’s look at what to put down on your checklist.

One Keyword

Pick a keyword or phrase you want to appear on Google search engines. If you plan to sell dog toys for small dogs, perform a keyword search for small dog toys. What do you see? How effective is the keyword? How many hits does it receive monthly? Does it need to be combined with other high ranking keywords? These are some of the questions you need answered before deciding on the keyword you want.


Next, you move on to research. Once you have the keyword you want to rank for you need to go undercover. Who ranks for this particular keyword on Google’s first result page? These are your competitors. What can you do better? What do they do differently that has allowed them to rank on top?

Fabulous content

Yes, fabulous content is the key to not just getting people to visit your site but keeping them on it for more than a few seconds. Create content that is mind blowing. Content that will grab the attention of the reader in more ways than one. Content that creates a connection that ultimately leads to loyalty. What you create needs to be better than rest. Else, neither your audience nor Google will take notice. It has to be a standout.

Keyword in header

The webpage usually has a title with the keyword and a number of sub-headers. Putting the keyword into the header and sub-headers shows Google and the folks just skimming through a blog post or article what your thoughts and intentions are. You always need to make aware to Google and website traffic what is inside the blog post.

Internal links

Talk about the best content on your website by linking back to these pages or older posts. Don’t forget to edit or rewrite some incredible content to keep it authentic, fresh and on the move.

External links

Ok, here’s the big one. Get external links to increase credibility of your website. Google checks external links to identify how good your posts are. There is really no point in bragging about yourself, you need to get others to do it. This is what makes Google and your audience notice you. Just as much as incredible content will give you a few external links, your SEO company needs to put together an effective link building strategy.


Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Search Engine OptimizationServices
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