Be Unique

SEO Agency in Dubai – Top 5 Reasons To Hire One for Your Business

December 14, 2018

Head of Hospitality

Head of Hospitality
Social Media Management

Article Overview

10min read

Why should your business hire an SEO agency? So that your business could be found the same way you found this post.

More than 6 billion searches are performed daily and a staggering 98.4 percent of the UAE’s population has access to the internet.

An infographic presented by shows that over 80 percent of online shoppers conduct research to discover products and make purchasing decisions. In the same vein, about 60 percent of them begin their purchasing journey by using a search engine.

A smart manager or business owner knows what the above stats mean for business. In fact, you and I know that the lives of most of us revolve around search engine results. We search for information about everything and anything including things as simple as the names of restaurants close to our homes and/or offices.

People are searching for your business with money in their hands, help them to find you, and they will gladly hand the money over to you.

Still looking for a detailed how your business can benefit from hiring an SEO agency in Dubai? Check the points below:

To Drive Healthy Traffic to Your Website/Store

The major goal of any SEO strategy is to help your business gain the healthy traffic.  The keywords here are “healthy traffic”. That is traffic that is ever-increasing and intent-based. This will help your business to be discovered by people searching for terms related to your industry. Social ads can be effective in driving traffic to your site or business. But sometimes, you don’t get the kind of traffic that brings sales because such ads may be shown to random people that are not really interested in what you are offering.

SEO is more intent-based and people get to see results based on their search terms. So, if your SEO agency in Dubai is doing a good job for you, chances are that you will start ranking for keywords related to your business. But it takes a good strategy and consistency to happen.

Results from search Engine are less costly and last longer

It takes time to start ranking for keywords related to your industry but once achieved, it costs less to maintain and lasts for a longer period of time.

Think of SEO as planting a tree, it doesn’t grow in a flash. It takes months, sometimes years but it can provide shade for ages. Unlike online advertisements that stop as soon as you stop pumping money into them, search rankings remain as long as your website is maintained.

The ideal SEO/SEM strategy would be a combination of paid ads and Search Engine Optimization efforts. You can stay committed to building your SEO while also gaining valuable traffic through PPC and other social advertising mediums.

SEO Agency Will Help You to Maintain Your Website

A good SEO agency in Dubai knows that their work does not stop at generating traffic for you. They should be able to take care of your website’s frontend and backend including updating and upgrading the technology to avoid breakdown as well as ensuring a smooth user experience so that the traffic can be sustained.

Convinced about hiring an SEO agency in Dubai? Get in touch with a premier Google partner and watch as we take you to the top of search results.

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Head of Hospitality
Social Media Management
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