Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Top Ways Marketers Can Use Instagram To Benefit Your Business

June 27, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Marketing On InstagramServices

Article Overview

10min read

Have you noticed more and more brands are racking up their social media accounts? How about Instagram? How has Instagram changed the business landscape?

Instagram’s popularity has skyrocketed in the last few years. It offers businesses the perfect opportunity to get messages through photos quickly across to a target audience. Instagram started very much like Facebook. It was a great platform to share with friends and family. There was no marketing value that was attached to it. However, this has changed with Instagram proving to be an effective platform for businesses to reach potential customers and keep existing followers happy.

A business should have marketing goals. An Instagram advertising strategy should be in place to benefit your business. In November of 2012, Instagram widened its audience to devices not just on the web, but iPhone and Android devices. For instance, you can offer your audience a fantastic collage and give them insight into how your company works. Images tell a story, and how you present these images will make it an effective form of marketing. And on your images you can include a call to action. Pictures can be placed strategically, and you can become creative with them. This is the fun aspect of Instagram advertising.

Photos contests are a popular phenomenon on Instagram. It seems brands everywhere are having competitions and contests. Hosting contests mean more user engagement. It helps increase your audience as users from different demographics will find themselves participating. Remember, each time a user follows your profile ardently or shares your content, a whole host of new users get an opportunity to see your brand in a new light. Cater to not just your niche, but to a wider audience that may have an interest in what you have to offer.

Rewards followers and make them feel special. People like to feel appreciated and needed. When brands reward their followers your audience sees you in a more appreciative light. You can reward them for doing something simple. For instance, it may be for reading a description or looking at some images. Know what your audience wants and keep them engaged. Followers must be constantly kept jazzed up. People get bored easily and will move onto the next exciting thing. Brands need to understand your specific audience and know what retains them and keeps them and intrigued.

Feature your followers. There’s nothing like featuring the best advocates, which are the customers. And this is a fantastic way to tell the company story as told from the perspective of the audience. Get your customers to post reviews and feedback. Use online review boards and customer message boards to encourage your audience to share their experience. Use these moments to connect with your audience and increase user engagement.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Marketing On InstagramServices
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