Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Can Your Bottom Line Be Impacted By Website Design?

April 11, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Websites Design & DevelopmentServices

Article Overview

10min read

Businesses invest hundreds of thousands designing or redesigning websites. Does an attractive design lead to revenue and sales? Do consumers prefer an eloquent design over a simplistic one? What are users looking for? Yes, the wow factor certainly plays a role but does it change the game? What works best, a crowded website filled with information to the brim or keeping a few design principles in tact?

According to studies, users look for credibility. Yes, website design matters, after all no person wants to visit a website that is poorly maintained. However, it is authenticity and trustworthiness that people are looking for, and this is what you need to display comprehensively on your website.

How can you improve credibility?

– The website should be arranged logically

– It should contain references and citations

– The website should contain FAQs

– It should appear professionally designed

– The site should be up to date

– It should be linked to credible sites

To make your website appear credible, a web design company will create a clean, uncluttered and on point design.

Your site should have white space, but not white space that makes it appear too long. The white space can be limited to pages used for searching and scanning.

Do users get annoyed by pop-ups? Yes, they are frustrating to most users. Pop-ups can be blocked. They interrupt a website and get be a total turn off to people. Eliminate pop-ups and other graphics that may seem to get in the way of your visitors. Have minimal distractions on your site.

Good content is one of the most important factors for website credibility. Invest in writing and produce fantastic content. Content should be original and fresh, written with a unique approach that is authentic to only your site. Post regularly, but do not overwhelm users with too much material. A web development company will pace it out, get visitors excited about your content and let them wait in anticipation for the next batch of articles.

A site needs to be usable. It should be easy to use and navigate. Why should people be expected to use a site that is frustratingly slow, when there is a competitor out there who has a clean, quick and credible website worth exploring? Remember, there is strong competition and how you present your website matters between whether your business fails or succeeds.

An attractive design leads to sales. However, the goal needs to be about improving your website. This should be your starting point. The usability of the site should improve along with the aesthetics. An improved look is what increases trustworthiness.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Websites Design & DevelopmentServices
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