Be Unique
Angela Soudi

Avoid Making These Google Adwords Mistakes

April 10, 2017

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Google Ads ManagementServices

Article Overview

10min read

Everyone knows Google AdWords management is a fantastic way to drive traffic to your site. If not handled properly, however, it can become expensive. The trick is for your Google AdWords agency to handle the campaign effectively to increase return on investment. A campaign that is poorly managed can cost more than the revenue it brings. It is all about how smart you are when running your Google AdWords campaign.

Let’s look at common mistakes marketers make when putting together a Google AdWords campaign.

One of the biggest mistakes is not using ad groups. Ad groups should be separate based on certain keywords. All keywords should not be put into one adgroup. For instance, the keyword being searched should match the ad being displayed. The closer the keyword and ad copy are to each other, the more people will click on it. If you are selling desktops, laptops and MP3 players, you don’t want to lump them together using the same keyword or generic keywords. You will need to create different ad groups that resort to headlines such as buy desktops, instead of buy computers. The more you break up your ads the easier it will be to sell, monitor and evaluate their performance.

You need to use the right keywords. You can add keywords into an exact match, phrase match or broad match. A broad match will allow you to reach a broader audience, a phrase match will show up as a phrase and an exact match is exactly what it sounds like. An exact match will narrow your audience; however, it will also show up when the exact words are entered by the user. Exact matches are more precise. What is a good combination? Start with an exact match, move to phrase match and then expand to broad if needed.

Another mistake marketers make is not using negative keywords. Advertisers are allowed to use negative keywords as a way to eliminate keywords that do not match your product. Negative keywords can be added to the ad group.

Write a great ad copy but also believe the numbers. May be you love your ad copy and think it is fantastic, but if the numbers say otherwise it is no good to anyone. Test your ad copy many times, and whenever possible. You can attempt different variations with your headlines, sub headings and the context itself. The more you test your ad copy, the better an idea you will have on which one is performing better. What your ad copy needs is a high click through rate and high conversion rate. Avoid making the mistake in thinking your ad copy is finely tuned and no longer needs testing.


Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality

Angela Soudi is a visionary writer with 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing across Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. She is highly invested in actively contributing articles to pioneering hospitality platforms and websites.

Angela Soudi

Head of Hospitality
Google Ads ManagementServices
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