5 SEO Trends To Stay Ahead Of The Pack
October 22, 2016
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10min read
Businesses are seeing a dramatic shift in their marketing strategy these days. It has become important for businesses to work on their presence online, garnering more conversions as we speak. Search engines too have shifted their focus to web activities of businesses. Businesses are constantly working on promoting their brand to help stay ahead of the pack. SEO is what helps businesses keep abreast of the competition. SEO activities done both online and offline aims to bring organic traffic to your website. Here are some popular SEO trends to stay ahead of the curve.
Social media
Did you know 75% of marketers vouch for the significance social media platforms offer businesses to take their brand to the top? Social media networks including Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus are using content to gain favour with search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. Millions of people are using social media whether it is for personal or business use. Think about the vast demographic your business can reach by simply posting relatable content on social media pages.
Mobile optimization
Mobile users are seemingly forgotten by business users. Yet, mobile users account for 60% of traffic. How can your business make use of this massive group of potential conversions? Make your websites mobile friendly, this means your site should have a quick upload, minimum pop-up ads and content that is straightforward and highly informative. Remember, mobile users are always on the go, and they do not have time for websites that take far too long to upload or read. Content should be smart, witty and to the point, and you’ve got your mobile users at your fingertips.
Videos everywhere
Google just released a statistic on how 62% of searches are for videos. Videos have become the popular norm of today. What your business needs to do is to promote your brand through an informative, interesting and short video. Post videos less than 2 minutes, otherwise viewers will simply lose interest.
Voice commands
Voice commands seem to be taking over in 2016. People are using voice commands to search for products and services. This means keyword phrases are put together differently when you speak than when you type. There is bound to be a slight difference between speaking and typing it out. Businesses need to pay attention to how potential customers speak through their voice commands. Remember, you need to cater to this audience too. You need to analyze keywords and keyword phrases when putting together keyword research for your website.
Content should be unique with a touch of humour
Simple and straightforward, you must showcase content of the highest quality. You may have heard this command time and again, yet it does pay to continue to hear it. People look for interesting read ups. They want content to be exciting, witty and informative at the same time, unlike before, when content was just informative or factual. Nowadays, such content will be branded as boring. So, remember do not post anything remotely boring, no one will read it. Your content should have a positive, vibrant and upbeat tone to it.